
Fundamental Physio Newmarket​

Your visit will offer more than just an effective treatment using the most recent and evidence based approaches. It will empower you with knowledge and understanding of the problems you’re facing. Giving you greater control of the situation and in the long term preventing such problems reoccurring.

Specialising in musculoskeletal physiotherapy, with a vast array of skills and experience spanning for more than 10 years. Treating injuries from acute to chronic. Whether you’re an office worker, an elite athlete or somewhere in between, you will be guided through your recovery to help reach your goals.

Achieving your goals is one thing, exceeding them is another. Offering strategies, education and self management skills to help improve overall physical and mental health. Leaving you feeling stronger, more energised and focused. 

As a registered ACC provider you can come directly for an appointment without a Dr’s referral. Any additional referrals that may be required can be made from the clinic, whether it be for a specialist or Xray.


Graeme Lawson BScPT (Hons)

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